v3.5 [Nov 20, 2011]
- Bookshare Web Service: When you use the Bookshare Web service in the Online Books Menu to find books to download from Bookshare.org the search results will now display only the books available to you. For example, international Bookshare members who do not reside in the United States are eligible for a subset of the Bookshare titles. However, this subset is an impressive number. Currently, about 30,000 titles are available to international members.
- Bookshare Download File Name: When you use the Bookshare Web Service the file name of the downloaded book will now be the title of the book instead of the book number.
- Delete Book from Computer: When browsing the list of titles on PC for any bookshelf, it is now possible to press the DELETE key on your keyboard to remove that book from your computer hard drive.
- Windows Admin Rights Not Necessary: The previous version of Companion required that the user have Admin priviledges on his Windows user account to run the program. This has been corrected. However, you still need the admin rights to install the application on Windows Vista and Windows 7.
v3.4 [Jul 1, 2011]
The new feature for Companion version 3.4 is the new Online Books menu. There is one item in the Online Books menu. It is the Bookshare Web Service.